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於 2024年1月1日 (一) 18:41 由 Nicolas Brouard (對話 | 貢獻) 所做的修訂 (Prefaces)
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引言 | 序言 | 索引
章| 基本概念 索引 1 | 人口統計資料的加工整理 索引 2 | 人口的分佈和分類 索引 3 | 死亡和患病 索引 4 | 結婚 索引 5 | 出生 索引 6 | 人口增長和更替 索引 7 | 空間流動 索引 8 | 人口學的經濟方面和社會方面 索引 9
節號| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93

This is the preface of the second edition in Chinese published in 1992.

The revision has been done on the wiki by Shuzhuo Li (UN) and Xiaochun Qiao in 2008 but no book has been printed. We will ask Xiaochun Qiao to write a preface on his work with Shuzhuo Li.

A general preface on current and future unified second editions has been written in 2018 by Nicolas Brouard and could be translated in Chinese

The preface of the forthcoming (2024) Chinese Unified Second Edition will also be written






1992年 北京

International Union for the Scientific Study of Population


Ordina Edition, Liege (Belgium) 1982














目 錄




第一章 一般概念

第二章 人口統計資料的加工整理

第三章 人口的分佈和分類

第四章 死亡和患病

第五章 婚姻

第六章 生育

第七章 人口增長和更替

第八章 空間流動

第九章 人口學的經濟方面和社會方面



序 言

聯合國人口委員會在第四次全體會議上,提請聯合國秘書處把《多種文字人口學詞典》的編寫工作列入秘書處的工作計劃。國際人口學會在編寫詞典方面給予了合作,在聯合國人口委員會第五次全體會議結束時,把編寫英文、法文、西班牙文三種文本的人口學詞典的初稿任務,交給了一個特設委員會[#sdfootnote1sym 1]




為此,成立了一個新的委員會[#sdfootnote2sym 2],由於美國普查局慷慨地給予財力資助,詞典的編寫工作於1972年開始並於1974年完成。

委員會的活動範圍,並不局限於其各個委員之間,因為大約100個人口中心根據委員會的請求對發給自己的詞典初稿,提出了意見。因而收到了大量不僅涉及人口學術語和概念而且也談到詞典編排的信件。所有來信提到的意見,都交由路易·昂利(Louis Henry)教授處理。國際人口學會於1976年把《多種文字人口學詞典》法文第二版的定稿任務,交給了昂利教授。因此,路易·昂利編寫的新的正文,綜合了已不幸去世的保羅·萬桑為法文第一版編寫的正文和國際人口學術語委員會編寫的正文。

人口學會隨即請埃廷那·萬·德·瓦爾(Etienne van de Walle)教授將詞典的法文版編譯為英文。藉此機會,我衷心感謝他圓滿而又十分確切地完成了這一任務。

我也對我的前任馬西莫·利維·巴齊(Massimo Livi Bacci)教授致以深切謝意,在其任期內,他是編寫這一套新詞典的主要發起人之一。


秘書長喬治·塔皮諾(Georges Tapinos)


本詞典由正文和按字母順序排列的索引組成。正文之下附有小體字的注釋。正文和注釋中所有用黑體字排印的術語,都列於索引之中。對於用黑體字排印的由幾個單詞構成的術語,在索引中排列在每個主要構成詞的下面,例如,對於「density of population」,一方面作為「DENSITY population」列在字母D的下面,另一方面則作為「POPULATION density」而列在字母P的下面。





致 謝

很多人在編寫本詞典的各個階段,提供了幫助。埃廷那·萬·德·瓦爾感謝亞歷克斯·莫吉爾尼基(Alex Mogielnicki)在翻譯法文版本中給予的幫助,感謝他的同事安R.米勒(Ann R.Miller)、塞繆爾·H.普雷斯頓(Samuel H.Preston),諾曼·賴德(Norman Ryder)和克里斯托弗·蒂茲(Christopher Tietze)提出的意見,他們對英文正文的最初譯稿惠然提出了寶貴意見。當然,本詞典的編成,在很大程度上要歸功於詞典的第一版和人口學會委員會編寫的歷次初稿。

Preface to the revised edition of 2008 by Shuzhuo Li (UN) and Xiaochun Qiao

To be written by Xiaochun Qiao

General Preface of all unified second editions (2018)

The unification of the second edition of the dictionary became necessary when all scanned paper volumes had been computerized. The Demopædia databases showed significant omissions from each of the major releases published during the 1980s (French 1981, English 1982, Spanish in 1985 and German in 1987). In 1988, the Arabic edition and the tri-lingual English-French-Arabic edition, had already partially filled the gaps by comparing the French and English translations, but had failed to translate 92 new concepts introduced into the German edition. The Chinese (1994), Japanese (1994) and Czech (2005) editions are derived from the English version only, as are the Web-only editions in Russian (2008), Portuguese (2008) and Polish (2010). On the other hand, the Italian edition, published on the Web in 2010, is based mainly on the French edition. The following example illustrates the consequences of untranslated terms and the importance of a unified edition: the French term "nourrisson" which was selected for inclusion by the Commission of United Nations terminology in the 1950s, and which appeared in all the first editions of the multilingual dictionary, disappeared in the second English edition. The forthcoming unified dictionary will include the term nourrisson in French, lactante in Spanish, Brustkind in German, kojenec in Czech, lattante in Italian etc. and in English, which has no equivalent common noun, the expression child at the breast, which was used in the first English edition of 1958 and has been reintroduced in the unified English edition, giving rise to new modules derived from English only, to keep this lovely word, even if babies were not so highly cherished before the demographic transition!

This harmonization of the English edition is due to several demographers, Anglophones and Francophones for the most part, like Patrick Heuveline (University of California, Los Angeles), Michel Guillot (University of Pennsylvania and INED), but the final responsibility goes to Stan Becker (University of Johns Hopkins), who made the final decisions. Although this harmonization did not pose any difficulty for the new words introduced by the German edition, it also concerned delicate points whose translation into English and their use in the English demographic literature was not straightforward. We invite readers to watch the discussion pages for each section on the web version of these dictionaries.

As new translations into several Asian languages are now being considered in order to reflect the demographic importance of this continent, it was essential to achieve this unification before going ahead with these new translations. This is still an ongoing process, concerning all previously published languages; the first unified French language edition was published at the 46th Annual Conference of the Italian Statistical Society in June 2012 in Rome. The French edition fills a gap because the last copies of the second edition of 1981 were distributed at the symbolic price of € 1 at the IUSSP conference in Tours (2005). An Italian edition was also very necessary because the first edition was published in 1959 and had never been updated.

Harmonized editions should be available in the twelve languages already published in paper volumes and online in their original edition, as well as in four to six new Asian languages.

It is regrettable that this harmonized edition is not a new edition, which could be expanded with new concepts of contemporary demography, such as reproductive health, disability and dependency, international migration, demographic windows, population decline, retirement etc. But comparison of the first two editions showed clearly that the first edition covers most of the important concepts in the population sciences: the terms it contains were selected carefully by the United Nations Commission on Terminology during the 1950s in order to define our discipline, and are most of them are still valid.

We may also regret that certain obsolete or even inappropriate words have not been removed. Etienne van de Walle, lead author of the second English edition of 1982, told me at the Conference in Tours in 2005, shortly before his premature death, his desire to participate in the new edition, and especially to remove terms on eugenics, a term or theory which already in 1981 had only an historical interest. Thus, we made drastic cuts in sections that concerned eugenics. And eugenics has gone from the status of "discipline" to that of "theory".

Elsewhere, only minimal changes have been made to the original editions, preserving the original spirit of the 1980s.

These changes justify the paper publication of this unified edition. New volume will also be available on paper once unification in the specific language is complete. This unification is a mandatory prerequisite for a third edition.

Digital publishing provides a means to publish paper versions at low cost, even if on demand. Thanks to the work of Joseph Larmarange, a demographer at the French 「Institute of Research for Development」 (IRD) working at the joint research unit CEPED, it is possible to download from the multilingual demographic dictionary website ( any unified edition in various electronic formats (HTML, PDF or EPUB). It is also possible to order a hard copy from a publishing company on demand. The web site is also a place for generating a 「current」 version of the dictionary or even multilingual indexes.

While a publication with broad distribution does not seem justified for languages that have already been published in the past, print on demand seems to meet certain needs, especially when available in several languages in the same format. In addition, print on demand includes corrections of the inevitable errors and typographic mistakes.

The multilingual dictionary was born out of work of the Population Commission of the United Nations chaired by Paul Vincent. He himself was partly inspired by the revolutionary indexing system of numbered paragraphs which appeared in the work of John Edwin Holmstrom. He proved in his "Report on Interlingual Scientific and Technical Dictionaries" written in 1949 that unique entries in a dictionary were inadequate when the dictionary included more than two or three languages.

Therefore, authorships are multiple and multilingual too; the full list of names is given in each preface of the two editions which we reproduced before this current generic preface of all unified versions. Authors we must thank include Paul Vincent for the first French edition of 1958, Eugene Grebenik for the first English edition of 1958, Louis Henry for the second French edition of 1981, Etienne van de Walle for the second English edition of 1982 and Guillermo A. Macció for the second Spanish edition. The second German edition was coordinated by Charlotte Höhn in 1987.

This multiple paternity has led us to change the status of the different editions of the multilingual demographic Dictionary under the Creative Commons Share Alike license (CCSA). Since the computerization of the old paper editions, any additions to the dictionary published online require the acceptance of this license. This makes it possible to consider the exact contribution of each author involved. Note also that the MediaWiki software which is used by Demopaedia for both browsing the dictionary and editing, is also under the same open-source license.

Once you know of the functioning of Demopaedia, which is identical to Wikipedia, you can easily compare the text of the first edition with that of the unified edition. The digitized text uses the same paragraph numbering (350, 351, 352 etc ...), each grouped on the same page (eg page 35 http://fr-ii.wikipedia/wiki/35). If the reader wants to know the reasons that led a writer to adopt a particular reformulation, the discussion page lists the problems that have arisen and the decisions that have been taken (eg http://fr-ii.wikipedia/wiki/Talk:35). All members of professional associations of population studies in partnership with the Demopædia project are allowed and encouraged to contribute to the discussion pages. This is already the case for members of the IUSSP and soon for members of the Population Association of America and others. Rights to edit the dictionary itself, i.e., not only the related discussion page, are given to a limited number of authors.

It is also the goal of the project Demopædia to invite professional demographers to update the multilingual demographic Dictionary by providing this wiki platform. But as the first step is to create new pages and even new chapters such as "reproductive health" already mentioned, we believe that it is easier to adopt a more open structure similar to that of Wikipedia, where consistency between languages is not essential. The site of this free encyclopedia is the URL for French and for the English version as well as for Italian and for Thai etc.

The new pages progressively created should allow us to better measure both the extent of our discipline and its new terminology. A third edition of the multilingual dictionary could come someday.

The goal of science is to share results with colleagues around the world but also to fellow countrymen. It is therefore important for the scientific vocabulary to be well translated and understood so that the media as well as students can use it correctly. We also note that in some countries such as Sweden, there is no second edition of the dictionary, giving the impression that the scientific vocabulary doesn』t need to be renewed in Swedish, but in English only. By contrast, a clear need was expressed at the IUSSP Conference in Marrakesh by Asian academics who, under pressure from many local students who do practice English, are struggling with rough translation of English demographic terms (even old terms) to be adopted by the entire community. Today, in India, there are several languages spoken by more than 70 million users, equivalent to the total number of humans whose mother tongue is French. Malayalam is spoken, in Kerala at least, by as many speakers as Thai-speaking Thais. Hopefully this wiki platform is a multilingual opportunity to discuss the understanding of new concepts conveyed in the English scientific journals but also in international conferences still conducted in French or Spanish, and in national conferences in many different languages.

This project could not have been completed without the ongoing support of the Population Division of the United Nations in the person of Hania Zlotnik who was its director from 2005 to 2012. This support took the form of the organization of Demopædia workshops, including Paris (2007) and Marrakesh (2009). Special thanks to Sergey Ivanov (UNPD), co-organizer of two workshops and author of the first draft of the Russian edition. Giudici Cristina and Elena Ambrosetti, authors of the Italian translation which has been published concurrently, have established a partnership between the University La Sapienza and the French Committee of the IUSSP, to organize a workshop on Wiki technology in Rome in 2011. Some material taken from a tutorial by Laurent Toulemon at INED in Paris has been reused, and we are extremely happy with the Franco-Italian collaboration which is driving the development of the Demopædia project, particularly in Chiang Mai at the end of August 2012. The last Chiang Mai workshop, funded by INED, co-organized by Géraldine Duthé (INED) and locally organized by Sophie Le Coeur (IRD/INED), Joseph Larmarange and Elena Ambrosetti provided an opportunity to train 13 senior demographers in the Demopaedia/Wiki technology in order to produce a unified edition in six new Asian languages ​​(Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, Nepalese, Thai and Vietnamese).

Thanks also to Christine Gandrille, secretary of the French National Committee of the IUSSP, who scanned and corrected many of the issues thanks to her exceptional knowledge of several languages, Françoise Gubry and Martine Deville, librarians at CEPED and INED, respectively, for their perseverance in finding the old dictionaries such as the Arabic or Estonian editions. Their advice on thesaurus and index technology were also very helpful.

Finally, I would like to thank the French National Committee that I had the honor to preside until January 2012 and all members of the three successive bureaus for their help in starting and conducting the Demopædia project since 2005. Websites demand light but continuous support, in our case provided by INED which hosts the server. In 2012, IUSSP created an interest grouping so that the Demopædia project could take an international dimension.

Nicolas Brouard
Director of research at INED
Coordinator of the IUSSP Demopædia project
October 2018

Preface to the unified second edition

To be written.

引言 | 序言 | 索引
章| 基本概念 索引 1 | 人口統計資料的加工整理 索引 2 | 人口的分佈和分類 索引 3 | 死亡和患病 索引 4 | 結婚 索引 5 | 出生 索引 6 | 人口增長和更替 索引 7 | 空間流動 索引 8 | 人口學的經濟方面和社會方面 索引 9
節號| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 80 | 81 | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93